November 2023 - Big News!

It’s been a while since our last update and we have some very exciting news. But first, here are some photos from recent work-progress screenings:

In the last months we have been doing work-in-progress screenings with Safe and Healthy Colorado to get the word out about their upcoming ballot initiative. Big thanks to 350 Colorado and GreenFaith Boulder County for hosting these screenings with us. Audiences have been loving the film and their praise has been incredibly validating. 

Next up, we have another work-in-progress screening coming up in Denver on December 8th, hosted by First Universalist Church. Click here for tickets and share the attached graphic with your Denver network.

To get an invite to our future screenings, subscribe to our email list here.

Meanwhile, we have also been fundraising and working on finishing the film. BIG THANKS to the many donors who have helped us raise over $10,400! Our original goal was $150,000 but time is of the essence so we have reassessed our plan and come up with a new strategy. We have decided to self-distribute the film on Vimeo On-Demand, which allows us to keep our finishing costs as low as possible. So, we ONLY need $9,600 more to publish the film and officially begin our screening tour.  

Please help us reach this FINAL crowdfunding goal by the end of the year with a tax-deductible donation here:

AND FINALLY, we have officially been accepted to our first 2 film festivals! The Colorado Environmental Film Festival (Feb 22-25) and DocUtah (Feb 29 - March 2).

We couldn’t be more excited and ready to premiere our film and kick off our screening tour. We will also be hosting our own screenings all around Colorado with partner organizations to get the word out about this incredibly important issue.

Thank you all so much for coming on this journey with us. We look forward to following up soon with more success!


World Premiere, Awards, A New Fracking Bill, and Upcoming Screenings!


Crowdfunding, Applying to Film Festivals, TikToks